Macciacchera v. Bell Media Inc., 2024 FCA 30
Justice Locke - 2024-02-15
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This is a summary of a court decision in which the individual appellants are seeking leave to represent the corporate appellants in an appeal. Rule 120 of the Federal Courts Rules states that corporations must be represented by a solicitor in all proceedings unless the court grants leave for them to be represented by an officer. The individual appellants bear the onus of showing "special circumstances" to be granted leave. The court determined that the appellants have failed to demonstrate that they cannot afford a lawyer, which is the most important factor to consider. The appellants did not provide any financial information to support their claim. Therefore, the court denied the motion and ordered the corporate appellants to appoint new solicitors of record within 30 days. Additionally, the court ordered a fresh requisition for hearing to be filed within 30 days after new counsel is retained.
Decision relates to:
- A-2-23 - MARSHALL MACCIACCHERA DBA SMOOTHSTREAMS.TV ET AL v. BELL MEDIA INC ET AL which is an appeal from 2022 FC 1602 in T-1257-22
- A-262-22 - MARSHALL MACCIACCHERA and others v. BELL MEDIA INC. and others which is an appeal from 2022 FC 1602 in T-1257-22