Particulars needed for pleading patent infringement

In a decision published today, the Federal Court of Appeal upheld a lower court decision striking the plaintiff’s further amended statement of claim on the basis that it did not provide sufficient details of the defendant’s activity that would constitute infringement. The Court upheld the view that the allegations were not on any knowledge or evidence of the plaintiff of the defendant’s activities and the plaintiff hoped to fill in the gaps in its knowledge through discovery. Continue reading Particulars needed for pleading patent infringement

Discussion paper on changes to Federal Courts Rules

The Federal Courts Rules Committee has posted a discussion paper on possible procedural changes to the Federal Courts Rules. The proposed changes relate to among other things, time limits for defences, books of authorities, amici curiae, and monetary limits for simplified procedure and prothonotaries. Comments are requested by the Rules Committee by June 24, 2011July 15, 2011.

Continue reading Discussion paper on changes to Federal Courts Rules

Federal Court decision in Canadian Generic Pharmaceutical Association

Yesterday, the Federal Court published its decisions in Canadian Generic Pharmaceutical Association v. Canada (Health) 2011 FC 465 relating to the standing of CGPA to challenge a decision of the Minister of Health listing fluticasone furoate under the data protection regulations. The court held that the CGPA does not have standing to challenge the decision.
Continue reading Federal Court decision in Canadian Generic Pharmaceutical Association

Canadian Intellectual Property