The Federal Courts and the Canadian Intellectual Property Offices will be closed on Monday September 30th for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Continue reading National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Category Archives: Daily Alert
The Honourable Panagiotis Pamel, a Judge of the Federal Court, was appointed a Judge of the Federal Court of Appeal. Associate Judge Benoit Duchesne of the Federal Court in Ottawa, was appointed a Judge of the Federal Court.
Australian-based intellectual property services group, IPH Limited, announced it is acquiring Bereskin & Parr and combining it with Smart & Biggar. It acquired Smart & Biggar in October 2022, and had also acquired Ridout & Maybee in September 2023 and Robic in November 2023.
Federal Court of Appeal
The Federal Court of Appeal has published an updated Consolidated Practice Direction along with an accompanying Notice. This updates the 2023 practice direction. Updates were made to the filing of confidential materials, requests for virtual/hybrid hearings, and the discussion of condensed books/day books/compendia.
CIPO has relaunched its patent database earlier today after taking it offline last month to upgrade to its “Next Generation Patent” system. Features of its new MyCIPO system were launched in mid-July.
CIPO is rolling out its “Next Generation Patent” system in the coming weeks, with MyCIPO Patents, a new online portal for patent services, launching on . The current National Phase Entry and Maintenance Fee Payment tools will be deactivated next week. The online Canadian Patent Database will be offline from July 5, with resumption “expected to occur between and
Trademark Regulations
Proposed amendments to the Trademark Regulations are published in the Canada Gazette for consultation. The proposed amendments would allow cost awards, case management and confidentiality orders before the TMOB, as well as would allow CIPO to indicate that an official mark holder is not a public authority or has ceased to exist. The changes support amendments to the Trademarks Act that are not yet in force.
Continue reading Trademark Regulations
Judges’ Dinner
Looking forward to catching up with friends and colleagues at the CBA IP Day and Judges’ Dinner in Ottawa on Thursday – let me know if you will be attending as well.
Patent Term Adjustment
Proposed amendments to the Patent Rules were published in the Canada Gazette for consultation to implement patent term adjustment by January 2025. Term may be added if the issue date is more than 5 years from the filing/national entry date, or 3 years from requesting examination, whichever is later, particularly time attributable to the patent applicant. Several miscellaneous amendments are also proposed. Continue reading Patent Term Adjustment
Federal Court
The Federal Court has issued an updated practice notice on “The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Court Proceedings” that addresses issues the scope of the declaration on AI generated material filed with the court. This updates the practice notice that was originally issued in December.